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Harold Dean Charities

Harold Dean Charities

Registered Charity Number: 266850.

The Harold Dean Charity was set up in 1973 to administer two flooded ex-gravel workings in the parish of Weybread in Suffolk ( now known as the No1 Pit and the Middle Pit). This was at the request of the late Harold Dean, who owned the land prior to his death in 1977. The Charities remit was to gain income from these lakes to redistribute to local churches and other charities specified by Mr Dean. The Trustees subsequently gained the lease on a third lake (The Ocean Pit), and more recently a fourth, Hall's Pit, to increase revenue potential. All the income is from a single source, i.e. the letting of the fishing rights on the four lakes. The amount donated to the charities has exceeded £10,000 for the last 10 years.

The Harleston, Wortwell & District Angling Club manage the Ocean Pit, No. 1 Pit, the Middle Pit and Halls Pit on behalf of the Harold Dean Trustees so a large percentage of the money taken for fishing on these pits goes to the Trust.

The list of nominated Charities has expanded over the years and the current recipients include:

The Trustees will consider one off donations to local charitable causes.

Chris Basford,
Harold Dean Trust.

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